“Are you chicken?” I remember those cutting words from my grade school days. They were always said with a lilt in the voice, a taunting, manipulative question.

There are a lot of things you don’t want to be when you are in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade, and chicken is near the top of that list.

Here in Hawaii we have chickens. Lots of chickens. Some are pets and some are used for laying eggs, but most of them just roam the streets. Rag-tag bands of feral chickens can be found in almost every neighborhood.

So the other day, when I came across a chicken and a rooster on my run, I wasn’t shocked. And no, I wasn’t scared either. But, as I got closer, the chicken freaked out. Like royally flipped out. She up and ran.

Now. I’m sorry to say that Ms. Chicken’s timing was terrible. At just that moment, a truck was coming up the street on my right.

I don’t have to tell you the rest. I’ll let you imagine what it sounded like.

Needless to say my entire body flinched and I turned away. But it got me to thinking, in her fear, the chicken went towards something that was more dangerous than what she was afraid of.

I mean, I guess I can be more scary than I realize, but I wasn’t planning to even touch the chicken. I was just going to let her be. Her perception of me was inaccurate, which led to fear, and then unwarranted action that actually caused more harm.

There are things in life we all fear. Cancer. Terrorist attacks. Losing loved ones. And when you are in elementary school the list of things to be afraid of is much longer. It includes monsters, the dark, and your best friend moving away.

But when you dig down deep and look at the roots of your fear—are the things you are afraid of really worth being scared at?

It’s not the fear itself that matters. It’s what you do with it.

Do you get on your knees and cry out to the God of the Universe who is waiting with open arms to listen to every word you say and wipe away every tear you cry?

Or do you pull up your bootstraps, try harder and turn to run from your fear?

When you turn and run, you never know when a truck will come around the corner. But if you take your fears to the One who loves you and created you, you’ll be safe every single time.

So are you chicken? What are you gonna do about it?



Sometimes there are days when all you want to do is get to the end of it. Now, I’m not talking about those ugly, no-good, terrible, very-bad days, but I’m talking about some of those regular, ho-hum days where you just can’t seem to get any traction.

I don’t know about you, but I am not a stranger to those days. They are sometimes frequent and always draining, when no amount of energy can be mustered to pull myself up by my bootstraps and put my nose to the grindstone.

No. Those days are days when, no matter how hard I try to ignore it, I’m confronted with the truth that I am human. I am imperfect and I need Jesus.

Those are the days when I want to crawl in bed and watch Netflix on my phone. That I want to go to bed at noon and try again tomorrow.

But you know what? Even on those days, Jesus loves me. And that’s what I have the hardest time remembering.

I am not what I do.
I am not what I accomplish.
I am not what I look like.
I am not how lazy I feel.
I am not disposable.

No. Even when I am at low points, I am loved.

I am loved because of Him.

He loved me first. Before I ever did anything of note. Before I ever tried to comb my hair or wipe the crumbs from my face.

I am loved because of Him. I needed that reminder today, and I thought you might need it, too. So here it is:

YOU ARE LOVED. Just as you are.

That, my friend, is good news. In fact, it’s such good news it’s hard to wrap your head around, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

You’re loved even if there are piles of dishes in your sink and dirty laundry littering your floor. You are loved if you don’t cross one thing off your to-do list.

You are loved. I forget this often, so I give you permission — actually I beg you — to keep reminding me.